Speech-Language Therapy
What is Speech-Language
From birth, children learn to communicate in a variety of ways including through eye gazes, gestures and vocalizations. For children who are delayed in their communication skills, intervention can begin at a very young age. Improved ability to communicate reduces frustration as children become older. Speech-language therapy helps children improve their communication skills verbally, by using gestures, sign language or
the use of augmentative devices. An important
part of intervention includes teaching parents
and caregivers skills to stimulate their child’s communication skills. The focus of pediatric speech-language therapy is to support the development of effective communication skills.

We provide speech & language services with emphasis on:
Receptive & Expressive language Disorders or Delays
Phonological Processing
Articulation Difficulties
Motor speech, including apraxia
Social and pragmatic deficits
Diagnoses that result in communication difficulties
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Speech-Language Therapy for Communication
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) includes all of the ways we share our ideas and feelings without talking. Children with significant communication challenges may need AAC to help them communicate. You may use a basic system first and advance to a technological device, or you may need it for only a short time. Some children may need a method of communication until they begin to speak on their own. We can help find the right AAC system for your child. This could mean the use of visuals, gestures/signs, or electronic device (e.g., iPad). AAC can help across settings, in school and in the home.

Articulation is the process by which words are formed, and refers to the way speech sounds. The production of sounds involves the coordinated movements of the lips, tongue, teeth, palate, and respiratory system. Children with articulation or fluency disorders may have difficulty making certain sounds or speaking smoothly (stuttering). Speech-language therapy may focus on the development of specific speech sounds.
Social Skills and Self-Advocacy
Children naturally develop different communication styles in the ways they speak, the level of eye contact they use, and the topics that interest them. We believe children should be encouraged to be themselves, so rather than attempting to mold their communication style to be more "typical," we help our clients succeed socially by helping them build self-advocacy skills and use strategies to help them experience less stress during social interactions.

Expressive Language
Expressive language is the ability to convey your thoughts and messages to others. While a child may understand what is being said to them, challenges with expressive language can make it difficult to put together words and sentences to effectively communicate with others. Speech-language therapy can offer support for communication skills as well as alternative modes of communication such as sign language or devices.

Receptive Language
Receptive language is the ability to understand words and language. Children who have difficulty understanding language may experience challenges with following directions and responding appropriately
to questions and requests. Speech-language pathologists can help children learn to process & understand the information they are receiving from others.
Parent Testimonials